On Suicide Prevention - Big Ideas, Small Business TV

2 years ago

Host Doreen Milano and her guest Lori Crider discuss suicide prevention in this dramatic episode. Take notes, this episode is full of resources to support your family or workplace. What can be done when we suspect someone we know is going through a hard time?

When someone is isolating themselves or giving away their items, it may a warning sign that someone is considering ending their lives. It's not that easy, though. Many people say they saw no signs at all. Get aquainted with the questions and scenarios that should activate you to get involved. Lori is a volunteer with Christian Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group, and American Foundation For Suicide Prevention, links below.



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Doreen works with local small and mid-market businesses to help them take the big steps necessary for extreme and solid growth. Go to VisionsToExcellence.com to learn about her programs and get started in the right direction today.

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