Will the Roman Empire Be Revived?

2 years ago

Countdown to the Second Coming Radio Discussion

On our website: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/what-could-be-worse-death-0

More about Christ's Return: https://www.thebereancall.org/taxonomy/term/8/christs-return
Free eBook: https://davehunt.org

Tom: Dave Hunt’s book Countdown to the Second Coming has been and is our topic for this segment, and of course it addresses events which lead up to the return of Jesus Christ—which not only did the prophets foretell, but also angels who were present when He ascended to heaven. And we have the words of Jesus in John 14 that He would come again and receive us unto Himself.

Yet, while Dave’s book has been our focal point, or syllabus, for discussion, we’ve taken a little detour—well, it was supposed to be “little”—to present our overview of key biblical events from Genesis through

Revelation, and Dave adding a commentary of each event.

Dave: That’s the problem. My commentary goes on and on and on.

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