1994 - Gatorland - Alligators sunbathing, tresspassers will be eaten

2 years ago

1994 - Gatorland - Alligators sunbathing, tresspassers will be eaten - 1994 in Summer time, monsoon climate with heavy torrential downpours along with thunder and lightning in the afternoon (palm trees common sight in Florida) - Gatorland at or near Orlando, Florida where there is also Magic Kingdom and Disney World - a great place of adventure to take children with Universal Studios also where you can ride like ET. We went Back to the Future also. If you do not want to terrify your children, perhaps Gatorland is best skipped. This video shows Alligators sunbathing with sign tresspassers will be eaten. Taking children to Gatlorland may not be responsible parenting when alligators are within sight, lurking nearby. Parents often must take parental responsibility - James always followed his parents, especially his doting mother when she abdandoned him outside at C&A Aberdeen near John Lewis and Norco house when James did not want to go somewhere. James's Mum started to leave, so James soon followed not wanting to lose his Mum. The question remains would James's Mum really have abdandond James if James did not follow or go after her. This is an open ended question, but it can be assumed James's Mum would not have gone far, certainly not far out of site. Abdandoning children is never sensible since they can be easily abducted as in the 1993 case of toddler James Bulger who was left to be kicked, beaton an stoned on a railway by two 10-year-old boys - the toddler's body left on a railway line to be cut in half by a train. This is a great terrible tragedy that came to happen by the neglect of the toddler's mother. Young children do need care and supervision - looking after children can be demanding and stressful. Children often have dynamic personalities, a mind of their own, a will to live often from a young age with curious minds keen on exploration and play - play through learning is an important and powerful concept and teachers making education fun could engage young people more, cut down on truanting and skipping school, increase learning, education with enjoyment. Teachers being creative and really innovating striving to create original course materials can really inform and educate - digital course materials enable reuse of learning materials when knowledge and information is shared. A problem shared is a problem halved - we can all do more together, learn more and achieve more and make great progress.

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