Opinion Brief - 04.09.22 - Political Ponderings, Democrat Alliances and RINOS

2 years ago

Topics: Political Ponderings, Democrat Alliances and RINOS.

It's hard to give an opinion on things when you don't know the truth. When it comes to the Democrat party and the alliance they have with the mainstream media, I know WHAT they are doing, but I don't know WHY they are doing what they are doing. And even more puzzling, I don't know WHY the rank and file Democrats (meaning you the voters) are just going along with it. Have some guts to stand up against your own party. That's how the Tea Party was founded. They were Republicans who went against their party. But look how that turned out. They all just eventually transitioned into good little GOPers. Partisan politics are what is splitting this country in two. WE ALL have the power to cure this divide - leave your party.

And I've warned you before about the 2022 Elections. Republicans are trending heavily and expected to take over the House and Senate. This is exactly how RINOS get in to office. Know who you are voting for. Don't be afraid to vote for a Conservative Independent (try to get out of the Political Party mentality).

And finally, many of you send me Direct Messages wanting to know just who I am. Even though I've explained myself several times, the fact that my views don't align with a certain party, that doesn't seem to compute with people. I'm a pragmatist people - I just call things the way I see them. If that doesn't align with your political party then what can I say? I don't do partisan politics. I think that's the best way to lose your way. I know - I was once lost but now I'm found :)

#Politics, #DemocratMedia, #RINOS, #DishonestMedia, #Coercion, #Totalitarianism, #LaptopFromHell #Pragmatism

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Opinion Brief is an opinion show featuring comments and opinions from Blabber Brains Show host Michael Kadrie based on current events, politics and pop culture.
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