227 : Part Deux - Stone Spheres, Shanghai Lockdown and The UK's Largest Fish Tank

2 years ago

Welcome to 227 Live Stream Part Deux
Housekeeping, Chat and News:

Costa Rica's giant stone spheres, Joe Biden's latest gaffe, Boris Johnson on his time in intensive care, the Jada and Will Smith saga continues, Shanghai Lockdown, Zuckerberg is compared to the Eye of Sauron, the UK's biggest domestic fish tank and the Irish barista who ended up in hospital due to holding in her farts!

Producer Credits for Ep 227:
Producers - Bill Strut, Lee from The Big Conspire, Slicko, Helen of Troy and Bunyanut
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227 Assets:
Costa Rica Giant Spheres: https://www.heritagedaily.com/2022/04/archaeologists-excavate-giant-stone-spheres-in-costa-rica/143313?amp
Joe Biden Word Salad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WduL3Iq4JwM
Boris Johnson Lockdown Ventilator Roll Back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlN34FXwGgM
Jada Recording Will Smith: https://twitter.com/Raddsurfer/status/1512154005790605322?t=7Byx6_cI2JdEdY-gKdo9cg&s=09
Will Smith Old Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHMjeWcgEOw
ITV Shanghai Report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gv8oX4aOr8
City AM Shanghai Lockdown: https://www.cityam.com/panic-in-chinas-richest-city-as-25m-residents-of-covid-ridden-shanghai-run-out-of-food-in-worlds-strictest-lockdown/
UKs Biggest Domestic Fish Tank: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/owner-uks-biggest-fish-tank-26646268
Zuckerberg Eye Of Sauron: https://consequence.net/2022/04/mark-zuckerberg-eye-of-sauron/
Irish Barista Holding In Farts: https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/irish-barista-ends-up-hospital-26636096
#largestfishtank #stonespheres #shanghailockdown

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