The Incredible Evolution of Boston Dynamics Robots - From 2012 - 2019

2 years ago

Meet Boston Dynamics' family of strange and amazing robots - This clan of robot keeps growing and growing. The Boston Dynamics family of robots, including Atlas and Spot With some human-like and animal-like traits, the Boston Dynamics robots are a little creepy and a little cool. Boston Dynamics is a fascinating company best known for periodically releasing videos of robot prototypes of all shapes and sizes. The robots are always impressively engineered, and sometimes a little creepy. The creepiness is not by design; it’s an unintended side effect of robots that imitate human and animal movements. This makes them seem familiar and alien at the same time — half-biological and half-machine.

The robot maker is a subsidiary of search giant Google, but the company began in 1992 as a spinoff from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), allowing robotics experts to continue their work on animal-like robots outside of academia. Their goal is not only to create innovative machines, but also to have them work outside of a lab, which is why in many videos you’ll see robots facing harsh conditions that would defeat most other robots, including being pushed and kicked by Boston Dynamics employees!

For example, Boston Dynamics recently released the video above showing the latest version of Atlas performing some parkour tricks. Atlas, a bipedal humanoid robot about 6 feet tall and weighing around 180 pounds, operates indoors and out.

It’s designed to assist emergency responders in search-and-rescue operations, performing tasks such as shutting off valves, opening doors and operating powered equipment in environments where humans cannot survive. The U.S. Department of Defense, which provides funding for Atlas, said that it had no interest in using it for offensive or defensive tasks.

Music: Black Wind (Electron Mix) by Dhruva Aliman
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