19. Add paragraphs of text - Add paragraphs of text to your designs.

2 years ago

19. Add paragraphs of text - What you learned: Add a paragraph of text

WHAT YOU'LL NEED - Sample files to practice with (ZIP, 6.7 MB) Get Files - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QW4Lq_dMvsRXZmzDE_gzVqff0NID55TD/view?usp=sharing

With the Type tool selected, drag in the Document window to add new placeholder text to the document. This placeholder text is called area type.

With the placeholder text selected by default, type to replace it. You can place (File- Place) text documents (RTF, Word, TXT, and so on) in a text object.

Drag a corner of the text object to scale the text object and wrap the text within. Text that doesn’t fit in the text object is called overset text and is indicated by a red plus in the lower-right corner of the frame.

Reposition the text object with the Selection tool.

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