Woke demonic clowns in dead woke churches now

2 years ago

The churches are dead and do nothing but talk about race and never preach God word ever and brag how great their churches are and want everyone to come celebrate their pagan Easter with them! They kick God and those who are poor, homeless, outcasts, widows outside and are fat, rich, lazy and hate God!! Jesus called out the pharisees in Jerusalem and He will do it again!! He would rip down all the Easter junk!! Turn the tables over, get the gays, trans, black racist people out of the so called churches and yell you have turned My house into a den of thieves!!! Jesus hates the fake fat churches now that do nothing but talk about race, accept everything wicked, wear face diapers! Get the vaccines!! These people are not Christians at all but clowns and devils!! The true church is outside and they are the persercuted bride of Jesus and are the outcasts, the homeless, the orphan's, widows, those struggling to pay , in North Korea, china, middle east, America, Europe!! Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool says the Lord! The Most High does not live in houses of men!! The fat lazy lukewarm phony church crowd will all be left behind and will cry Lord Lord did we not preach in the streets and were missionaries and went to church all the time and did all this stuff for you and Jesus will answer and say depart from Me you workers of inquinity for I never knew you!! The antichrist is about to take over the entire world and he is already in the woke dead churches now!! Gays, trans and black junk is being taught to kids in schools! If kids do not wear a face diaper they are put in the lobby without water, food and can't go to the bathroom and these wicked fowl gays and trans are in churches now!! Get out of the dead churches for they are just dead people inside and rotten to the core!! Son of man look and tell me what you see! I see people wailing for Tammuz and rising at dawn toward the east to welcome the queen of heaven Ishtar, such people I hate and will destroy for they have rejected Me and turned to idols and worship Baal, Ishtar, sacrifice their children to Molech and I will destroy them, God hates the dead churches now and angers Him so very much and the antichrist is here and will take over the entire world if you like it or not!!!!

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