The Third Eye Explained (Pineal Gland Connection and Higher Self)

2 years ago

If you're watching this in 2020-2022, this is probably the most important video you're gonna see. The third eye or pineal gland is a gateway to the divine, your Higher Self, and your guides. It's CRITICAL that you understand how to unblock your pineal gland, connect to this divinity and open up your third eye.

I've spent a lot of time researching and learning about the pineal gland, and I have to say it's fascinating. There has been a HUGE effort over the years throughout multiple civilisations to SUPPRESS and stop us using and opening our third eye. It makes us easier to control and brainwash when we think we're just mortal little humans on a spinning rock.

I’m going to explain everything you need to know about the pineal gland (third eye). You’ll learn what it’s for, how to unblock it, and how to USE it. This might seem a little strange for you, if you’re ONLY into lucid dreaming.

I don’t often talk about this sort of thing here, but that will be changing. What Is The Pineal Gland? The pineal gland or the third eye, is like a small rice sized piece of your body. It’s very small, and it has a really high blood flow. So compared to any other organ in the body, any other kind of system in the body, it has the highest blood flow, relative to its size. So what that means is that anything you ingest or put on your skin or inhale is going to very quickly find its way to the pineal gland.

This is why there's been a global kind of a conspiratorial effort, to have as much chemicals in junk and nonsense in your system as possible. Why? So that most of it will go to your pineal gland and sever your connection to source, and make you more easily manipulated and controlled. And this is not just me saying this. There's a lot of research behind this. You can look into the dangers and of fluoridation fluoride in the water has been shown to increase the amount of phosphate crystals in the pineal gland, which is bad. It's also a poison.

And you know, if you don't believe me, look on the back of your toothpaste bottle and it will literally say if you ingest too much of this call poison control because it's probably not good. And I actually discovered another confirmation on this recently is that I now have kind of a couple of pet rats. And so what I learned is that they have to have filtered water because the fluoride in the tap water is so dangerous that it could actually kill them.

So you need to be very careful about fluoride in particular. The annoying truth is: MOST people, have a blocked or CLOSED third eye (pineal gland). But the good news, is that you can easily unblock it or open it again. Ready?'

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