Final Fantasy 4: The After Years: The Crystals Tale. Soma Drops and Golden Apples (Grind attempt 1)

3 years ago

This one works

And yes. I checked Depths B10 recently. Which spawns "Fiend Dragon" a little more than this room. Doesnt help much there either!
Here is my guess. For common or regular stuff "Treasure Hunter V2" is your best bet (So it may work for Golden Apple or such) since thats what Fiend Dragon is supposed to drop as a casual thing

So rules is this.
For any tails, super rare items, go for "Rare Band V2"
For "Fiend Dragon" try relying on "Treasure Hunter V2" on all party members, i tried Rare Band V2... did not help outside getting Soma Drops occasionally.
So i will just put this as my guess and end the game here.

Think developers of this game designed this game to troll grinders, which is fine to me!
Been trying to grind for Golden Apples, but i usually only get "Protect Ring" or "Blue Fang" by Fiend Dragon, which is said to drop Golden Apple on 100%. "Shrugs"

Its possible to get Soma Drops if you grind enough, but grinding for Golden Apples... is almost non existant "not gotten one yet". Tried different methods "not sure how much Item drop would help if you have Treasure Hunter V2" But i will just assume developers of this game is trolling me. Which makes me like this game more.

So overall. Will just beat the game and call it quits! The only case where i know you will get Silver Apples occasionally is from grinding Green Dragon in "Lair of the father - B1" by teleporting to "Tower of Babil - B3", in the moon cycle of "Waning Moon". And even then thats too long for me.

So i will beat this game. Not gonna do 2nd playthrough since i cant maximize the people. But fun game. I liked it!

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