Cato the Younger Part VIII | Caesar Crosses the Rubicon, Cato Calls for Peace, Cato Dies at Utica

2 years ago

Caesar crosses the Rubicon and Cato's shocked. The war changes Cato the Younger and he no longer follows the ideals he held so strict and sternly. Now, he pushes for peace, he recognizes that the Republic needs men like Cicero, and that war is never the answer.

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Primary Sources:
Plutarch, The Life of Cato the Younger*.html
Plutarch, The Life of Cicero*.html
Plutarch, The Life of Julius Caesar*.html
Plutarch, The Life of Pompey*.html
Cassius Dio Book XL
Cassius Dio Book XLI
Suetonius, The Life of Julius Caesar*.html
Cicero Letters To Atticus Vol. II, III, IV
Cicero Letters To Friends Vol. II
Cicero, Phillipics 1-6
Cicero, Quintus fragments
Cicero, Divination
C. Julius Caesar, Commentaries on the Civil War
Appian Civil War
Sallust Catiline Conspiracy

Secondary Sources:
Cato The Younger, Life and Death at the End of the Roman Republic by Fred K. Drogula
Cicero and the Roman Republic by F. R. Cowell
Oxford Classical Dictionary
Gruen E. S. (1974) The Last Generation of the Roman Republic. Berkeley.

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