Maria Bartiromo – How the Bidens Got Away With It!!, 3828

2 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Maria Bartiromo is one of the truly great reporters working today. She opened this morning’s show with the turnaround of the MSM on the Hunter Biden laptop issue.

[insert to: “…closing in on Hunter Biden.”]

Under normal conditions of a normal America, yes. However, we are living under the conditions of a successful coup d’état, where the job of propagandists is to make things appear as close to normal as possible – as close to the pre-Biden conditions as possible.

So, if Biden continues to play along with the farse that the Republic still stands, and all federal elections are perfectly fair, and Fauci did nothing wrong in his handling of COVID, then he will be allowed to serve out his term.

Then, on the last day of his presidency, he can quietly pardon his son and the rest of his family – as needed – and fade quickly and quietly into obscurity with one billion plus of Chinese money tucked safely away as a generous departure bonus.

If he objects – or blabs – bad things will magically appear for the entire Biden family. So, the Feds might appear to be closing in, however, be sure that a secret escape hatch has been baked into this scenario.

[insert to: “… get you by the moment.”]

God bless Sen. Ron Johnson for reversing his previous announcement that he would retire from Congress. This man has been one of the pillars of truth in the U.S. Congress for many, many years, at, no doubt, extreme cost to him and his family. God Almighty awaits you Sen. Johnson with a hearty welcome home of, “well done, my good and faithful servant!”


Exactly right, by far surpassing even Richard Nixon. Sen. Johnson has nailed this exactly right. The minions of Satan have finally been forced into the limited hangout mode where they now admit that Hunter Biden is bad. But they are not yet ready to admit that Jumpin’ Joe had a thing to do with any corrupt practices. That will come, but only when Joe can be safely ejected off Air Force One without a chute.


I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom, good day.

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