Bank Fishing For Steelhead / Steelhead Fishing Videos / Grand River Grand Rapids Michigan

2 years ago

In this Michigan Steelhead Fishing Video we are doing some Grand River Steelhead Fishing in Grand Rapids Michigan. It was a weird day of fishing on the Grand River. I struggled to get a bite all day and Jason hooked 5 steelhead in the first 2 hours. I caught a few suckers but it wasn't till the sun started setting that I finally got a bobber down on a steelhead. Bank fishing for. steelhead is convenient and relaxing. steelhead fishing from a boat is better but with wide open space to cast and lots of river access the grand river in Grand Rapids is a good option to meet up with friends and do some steelhead fishing. so if you are looking for grand river fishing spots I would recommend Grand rapids below the 6th street dam. Grand River steelhead fishing can be epic and its not just the boats that get on the fish. Many people have great success bank fishing for steelhead at 6th street dam on the Grand River. I love steelhead fishing Michigan rivers from creeks to the mighty Grand River as well as all the other great West Michigan steelhead rivers.

I definitely expect to have more steelhead fishing videos coming. The spring steelhead run is in full swing. I haven't had as much fishing time as I like and the weather has been working hard to suck when I have time to fish but I know either way I will be battling a few more Michigan steelhead before the run is over! So stay tuned for more steelhead fishing videos as well as other Michigan fishing videos!

For more steelhead fishing videos make sure to check out my steelhead fishing playlist here.

And of course make sure to subscribe for more steelhead fishing videos as well as loads of other great Michigan fishing videos from Reel Michigan Anglers.

Reel Michigan Anglers is a collection of Michigan Outdoors Videos made by real Michigan Fisherman. Not professional anglers but average guys on their quest to catch as many epic fish as possible. Michigan fishing flows through my veins like water flows through Michigan rivers and I enjoy sharing my Michigan fishing adventures with you all in the form of educational and entertaining fishing videos. I love fishing for all species in all bodies of water but have a particular passion for Michigan river fishing. Fishing Michigan rivers has brought me so much joy and excitement and my zen place is me standing in a river with a fishing rod in my hands. I am not in this for the fame or the attention my goal is to help other fisherman grow and learn with me and to get paid to fish which I do now thanks to all of you lovely viewers. Thanks to your support I will continue to bring you many more Michigan. fishing videos! I will be Fishing Michigan 2021 and making more fishing videos for your enjoyment!

In this video we are using Nova Tackle Rods and Bloop Beads
More info on Nova Tackle Company rods:

#steelhead #steelheadfishingvideos

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Michigan Steelhead fishing
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