Just How Awful Is the Brandon Administration Foreign Policy?

2 years ago

Just How Awful Is the Brandon Administration Foreign Policy? Let Maxine the Beagle show you.

While comedian Daniel D was out walking his dog, he decided to ask her to do a trick. "Show me what you think Joe Biden's -- a.k.a., the 'Brandon Administration's' -- foreign policy is worth!" And like a good doggie, Maxine immediately moved her bowels, thereby making an insightful and very vivid depiction of just how bad Biden's foreign policy has been. From the disastrous pull-out in Afghanistan to the reckless flirtation with World War III against Russia over some banana republic we created in Ukraine, Biden's inept handling of foreign affairs has been pretty much the geopolitical equivalent of what came out of Maxine's bum.

Timestamps Below
0:00 Maxine the Beagle Is Asked What She Thinks of Biden's Foreign Policy
0:17 Maxine Demonstrates What the Brandon Administration's Foreign Policy Is Worth
0:28 Summing Up

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