The Euphrates River, Mountain of Gold & Massive gold treasure discovered

2 years ago

The Prophet Muhammad said: "The Hour will not come to pass before the river Euphrates dries up to unveil the mountain of gold, for which people will fight Ninety-nine of every hundred will die [in the fighting], . and every man among them will say, 'Maybe I'm the only one to remain alive'.
Signs of the Qiyamah

One of the little signs of the Qiyamah is that the Euphrates River will dry up and a gold hill or mine will come out. There will be a terrible war to occupy and those who will join, 7 of 9 of them have to accept death. But the main fact is that the river is about to dry.

The water level has started to reduce alarmingly since 1999 as the government of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq made 12 barrages at different times. Hadith states that the mountains of gold will be discovered by drying the water of the Euphrates River.

Considering the current situation, it is not too far away. Because, research of the Global Water Forum has shown that, the water of the Euphrates River is decreasing rapidly.

Narrated by the prominent Companion Abu Hurairah (RA), he said, “The fourth fitna (disorder) is the darkness of the blind. Which will rise like the waves of the sea, there will be no house left of the Arabian or Non-Arabian, where the Fitna will not enter. With this fitna, Muslims will continue to be humiliated. Fitna is to circulate in Sham Country (Syria) but will spend the night in Iraq. It will continue to scatter inside the Arabian land by hand and foot. If the Fitna will be mixed with people like skin to skin, then the problem will take on such a widespread and deadly form that people will not be able to diagnose good and bad. At that moment, no one will dare to stop the fitna. Meanwhile, though the smell of peace blows one side, on another side Fitna will intensify. If someone is a Muslim in the morning, he will be Kafer (non-believer) in the evening. No one can escape from that temptation/disorder. But only those people can survive, like the person drowning in the sea, crying for help. It will last for about 12 years and at one point everything will become clear to everyone. In the meantime, a bridge of gold will be revealed in the river Furat. Everyone will go to war for occupying that, and seven of every nine will die.” -Al-Fitn: Nuaim Bin Hammad – 676.

The mountain of Gold will be appeared after 12 years of starting the 4th fitna, the Syrian violence according to Hadith. As the Syria war started in 2011, many Islamic thinkers are saying that in Ramadan of 2023, the river will be seen drying.

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