INSANE: 800+ Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year Since the Jab Rollout

2 years ago

Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products

Over the past year-plus, athletes across the world have been dropping like flies as they compete in games. If they aren’t passed out cold, they are seen gripping their chests in agony, unable to breathe due to sudden cardiac events that hit in the heat of the competition. This wave of heart issues is unprecedented, to say the least. Never before have we seen young, healthy, world-class athletes experiencing heart issues en masse like this. It has never happened, ever. Furthermore, the timing of this sweeping phenomenon could not be more relevant, coinciding perfectly with the rollout of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines.

Healthy people are being purposely targeted by the fake COVID vaccine for many reasons. In the end, our corrupt misleaders may end up declaring athletics too dangerous to continue...yet the athletes dying and collapsing all took the shot. It only makes sense if you don't think about. Not every shot is laced with poison, as is needed to maintain the illusion inside the herd, as the herd is tricked to euthanize injection of poison and booster at a time.

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