EXCLUSIVE: Rebel News Has Obtained Global Affairs Documents Regarding WEF Great Reset Meetings

2 years ago

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The World Economic Forum planning documents hinted at a desire to use COVID instability to restructure society, cancel oil and gas development and censor the Internet. The documents obtained through Access to Information filings are high-level briefing notes to the minister of Global Affairs Canada at the time — Chrystia Freeland — for the Great Reset meeting at the World Economic Forum that took place on December 8, 2020. The meetings with Freeland at the WEF took place just weeks after Trudeau called the Great Reset a conspiracy theory in the House of Commons. The documents, attached below, reveal that Freeland was a co-chair of the meetings, along with government officials from Japan, the Netherlands, South Africa, as well as Kent Walker, senior vice-president of global affairs at Google and Dina Powell McCormick, a partner at Goldman Sachs. The meeting had seven goals for a post-COVID world to a wider array of global political and business leaders during the Davos Dialogues on January 25-29, 2021. The leaders wanted to “strengthen global cooperation; re-globalize equitably; rebuild sustainably; deepen public-private partnerships; increase global resilience; promote peace and security; and promote gender equality.”

Source: RebelNews.com

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