The beauties of the beaches of Jericoacoara northeastern paradise, Brazil

2 years ago

Lagoa Grande with zip line, Sloth Tree, Blue Hole, Bat Cave, Funil Dune, Aranaú Dunes, Jericoacoara Village Entrance, Jeri Church, Blue Lagoon, Tatajuba Lagoon, Paradise Lagoon, Barrinha Lagoons, Coast west in Jericoacoara, Morro do Serrote, Jericoacoara Landscape, Buggy ride, Quad-cycle ride between the dunes, Pedra Furada, Poço da Princesa, Poço do Ananias, Sunset in Jericoacoara, Jericoacoara Square, Praia da Barrinha, Praia da Vitória , Praia das Conchas, Praia de Tatajuba, Praia do Preá, Praia Malhada, Main beach of Jericoacoara, Crossing the River Guriú, Village in Jericoacoara and View of the dunes of Praia de Preá

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