Why we need to connect with characters

2 years ago

Most of the time, we don't even think about it. However, caring about characters is one of the main reasons you may feel connected to certain books, movies, or television shows. In truth, if you don't care about the characters, you probably don't care what happens to them either. The same rules apply if you're writing. The only difference is that as a writer, you already formed a bond with your characters. Your job is to make others see what you see. It's not always an easy task, but it's necessary to keep readers intrigued.

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Canadian author Mima (aka Michelle M. Arsenault) is known for complicated and diverse characters, dark style, and never shying away from controversial topics.

Author of The Hernandez series - loyalty above all. There are no exceptions. https://mimaonfire.com/the-series/

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