LEAKED! "Ontario Health To Family Physicians" Dr. Payouts to engage unvaccinated patients + boosters

2 years ago

Ontario doctors paid to encourage unvaccinated patients to get the shot.

"ONTARIO HEALTH's team of practice facilitators is happy to offer you information and supports to help you engage with your unvaccinated patients and those eligible for boosters." #irnieracingnews LEAK. Ontario Heath letter to family physicians leaked! March 31, 2022

"We can support you In several ways:
- Technical support to identify unvaccinated patients using Ontario Health data."

"We are offering a stipend of $150 for your time with this session, and you can also bill OHIP $134 with code KO82 group therapy."

"Here are some ways to bill for this work:
For a counselling phone call +20 minutes: Fee: $67.75 per unit/ Fee Code: KO13. or K082-

"To show our appreciation, we will offer an honorarium through a $150 Ama$on g$ft card
for your time."

#irnieracingNews #ontariohealth #doctorpayoffs #corruptdoctors #corruptgovernment

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Youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvRVJempgXw

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