Why You Should Be Eating Purple Sweet Potatoes More Often

3 years ago

We recently talked about the benefits of sweet potatoes and their leaves. Did you watch it?

But have you ever heard about purple sweet potato juice?

Sweet potato is loved by many experts and fit people because of its nutritional properties.

It contains an important antioxidant called anthocyanin, which helps protect the heart, arteries and brain and makes the skin prettier and younger. Did you know that?

Besides, sweet potatoes are made of 70% of soluble fiber, that is good for the intestine. Isn't it amazing?

With a low glycemic index, sweet potato helps fight type 2 diabetes, heals the stomach, and is an alkalizer and anti-inflammatory.

Sweet potatoes are a source of vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B6, iron, potassium, and others.

See the benefits of sweet potato juice:

Source of minerals
Purple sweet potato has good levels of iron, potassium, and magnesium.

Rich in vitamins
Purple and white sweet potato both have the same vitamins but, the purple variety contains higher levels of vitamin A, C, and E.

Regulated blood pressure
Purple sweet potato is rich in chlorogenic acid, which prevents blood clots and regulates blood pressure, making it a good for hypertensive patients.

Rich in fiber
Another advantage of purple sweet potato is that it is rich in fiber, which is highly beneficial to our body.

It's antioxidant
The main difference between white and purple sweet potatoes is their color. The purple color is due to anthocyanins, which are indicative of more antioxidants in the food.

Now that you know the benefits of sweet potatoes let's see how to make a delicious and healthy juice with this ingredient!

0:00 Health Benefits of Purple Sweet Potatoes
0:54 Source of minerals
1:20 Rich in vitamins
1:43 Regulated blood pressure
1:52 Rich in fiber
2:11 It's antioxidant
2:41 Purple sweet potato juice recipe


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