I challenge NYC Mayor Eric Adams to a debate on COVID science

2 years ago

I offer to donate $100,000 to Mayor Adams' favorite charity if he and his medical experts will engage me and 5 of my friends in a 3 hour debate on the NYC COVID pandemic policies on mutually agreeable debate terms.

I am also extending this offer to the Mayors of the 10 largest cities in the US.

The Mayor and his medical experts can bring as many people as they want to their side of the debate. They'll need all the help they can get.

Note that Mayor Adams need not win the debate. The $100K is just for showing up at the debate table.

Both sides will have equal amount of talk time.

Thanks to FDNY firefighter Sophy Medina for the suggestion to do this and filming the challenge. See this story for more on Sophy: https://nypost.com/2022/03/24/unvaxxed-new-yorkers-blast-adams-exemptions-for-athletes/

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