Silent War Ep. 6194: Pentagon: Rapey Space Aliens. US/NATO ARM UKRAINE, Athlete Mass Genocide

2 years ago

In this episode of The Silent War:

Pentagon Declassifies 1,500 Pages of UFO Reports: Claim UFO Encounters Cause “Nervous System Damage” and “Unaccounted Pregnancies”.

NATO Agrees To Provide 'New & Heavier' Weapons To Ukraine After Czech Tanks Arrive.

Biden Sends Patriot Missiles To Slovakia As Replacement For Ukraine S-300 'Donation'.

No Convictions For FBI-Directed 'White Supremacists': Whitmer Kidnapping Suspects Acquitted, Jury Deadlocked In Political Prosecution.

Court Hands Win To Conservative Father Who Accused Leftist Of Grooming Behavior.

Texas Starts Dispatching Charter Buses to the Southern Border to Transport Illegal Immigrants to Washington D.C.

769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23”.

Creepy George Soros is Predicting Internet Blackouts – What Does He Know that We Don’t?

All of this, and more.

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