Jesus will leave all lukewarm church people left behind

2 years ago

Churches now are more of a woke pagan worshiping business and tries to get everyone to come and keep Easter, gays, trans, lukewarm are all welcome in the so called churches that do not worship God at all but themselves, and keep all the pagan holidays of Palm Sunday, good Friday, lent, Ishtar or Easter, Xmas, ash Wednesday, they worship Tammuz and Ishtar a pagan moon goddess that nimrod begun in Babylon!! I detest your pagan feast days, your women crying for Tammuz, your sunrise services to great the queen of heaven such people anger Me !! Jesus did not ride into jersalem on Sunday but Monday, He died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday not on Sunday at all, the early church kept Passover not Easter, they did not tell everyone to hand eggs out, to eat ham, to throw eggs off the church building and show off how great churches are, no they did not do that at all and all the Apostles died except John who was put on Patmos and wrote revelation, all the early Christians suffered persercution!! And Christians outside these whore Babylonion churches are being persercuted to this day, you think that Christians in North Korea can brag how great their church building is? No they can not, same in India, China, the middle east, Russia, Asia and now America, Europe, true believers belong to Jesus not to a church building, pope, pastor, church member, have to give money to already fat rich pastors who go on a cruise and do not care about anyone at all, when the rapture happens thousands of people will be gone but the pagan lukewarm phony church people will all be left behind and they will have to decide between Jesus or the antichrist and no middle ground!!

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