RUSSIAN LOSES: 17,000+ SOLDIERS, 650+Tanks, 1,900+ Armored Vehicles & Much More

2 years ago

The Minister of Defence Oleksiy Reznikov provided some of the combat video here.  The Putin-Russian war is only about 6 weeks old and the Russian army is setting all kinds of freaking records, not good records either~!   The Putin-Russian war against Ukraine has been one total $*%& up from day one and continues to be one really total $#@( up.  Mother Russia has lost between 17,000 to 20,000 of her sons slaughtered in Putin's war on the Ukrainian people.   In just 6 weeks Putin has had more of Russia's sons, brothers and fathers butchered, slaughtered and killed than the US Military lost in 20 years fighting in the middle east~!

With horrible leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin, they don't need enemies as Putin is the worst enemy the Russian people has faced since Adolf Hitler and he is their freaking president/leader.

Estimates are that over 650 Russian tanks and over
1,900+ Armored Vehicles have been destroyed by using the
Javelin Missiles and British NLAW missiles.  
The British military supplied some 2000+ of their missiles
to the Ukraine before the war started.  The US and NATO allies
have provided over 17,000 antitank weapons, including Javelin missiles.  
With a lot more on the way.

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