Whistle Blowing are you even listening

2 years ago


Technology and communications have opened up the flood gates, and now it seems thats no touch torture is being done to human beings worldwide by a group of home grown terrorists based right here in Ohio. Gangs of America streets of America podcast, or www.gaygangsofamerica.blogspot.com
Ability to read, record and transmit unknowing/unwilling individuals body and brain activity. Not only your brain waves like your thoughts or memories  but eye sight as well. Yes they are able to see out of your eyes on a monitor via EMF BROADCAST (Electromagnetic Field). Linux, an open-source computer operating system has allowed  These cyber terrorists cells, districts and or gangs of america  to continue to force humans into slavery or face blackmail manipulation, prison, mental illness or death, disease, increased radiation levels, cancer, tumors, and more.operating in their own secret government this secret society has already waged and started WWIII. I call the whole thing sightillogical soundillogical warfare. 
Bringing awareness to telecommunications and technological warfare that's been around for decades. Voice of God, Google eye, brain mapping, brain sharing, human drone(AI), brain reprogramming, slavery, no touch torture, HIPPA violaions, and destruction of EVERYONE'S human & civil rights. Everyone worldwide must know what is happening to them or their loved ones. These terrorist districts use men women and children as targeted individuals.
Targeted Individuals have already undergone “Havana Syndrome”.This secret society "secret government" has to end immediately.Able to broadcast their Remote Neural Monitoring EMF broadcasts.
Please help ALL MANKIND #AllLivesMatter by getting the US Government involved immediately in these #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes<a href="http://www.FreedomForTargetedIndividuals.org" rel="nofollow">www.FreedomForTargetedIndividuals.org</a>
#NoTouchTorture #cybersecurity #cybercrime #databreach #fbi #revolution #personofinterest #Reddawn #nuvox #gabrielCommunications #secretgoverment #servalmesh #translucentcode #transparentcode #digitalrevolution #puppet #hotdogging #iot #googleEye #databank #cryptology #buckeyepartners #robPerryJr #voterfraud #catfish #grindr #TI #NWO #BRAIN-SHARING #catfishing #burtBigsby #corona #COVID-19 #applyaloe #drweb #cengage-publishing #CoreLogic
Here’s something I guess I came upon finding 1 1/2 years ago. IP ADDRESS IS but written or published 2000!!
Mercury.spaceports.etc...NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA- crime of the century and was published for all of us before and during the entire Time they were setting up the entire world. Not just targeting #TargetedIndividuals @freedomfortargetedindividuals
#ffti #sightillogicalsoundillogicalwarfare <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N82F9zbScfaQM_fW7xT5lrRp1vIFpIw9/view?usp=drivesdk" rel="nofollow">https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N82F9zbScfaQM_fW7xT5lrRp1vIFpIw9/view?usp=drivesdk</a> #TargetedIndividuals #HavanaSyndrome #GangStalkers #gangtaskforce #iRobot #wwiii #NWO #NWOAgenda

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