[INTERVIEW] He Fathered the Charter of Rights and Now Fights to Save It: Hon. Brian Peckford

2 years ago

*Hon. Brian Peckford's blog: https://peckford42.wordpress.com

Like many countries, Canada has become a lawless country where the foundational and supreme laws of the land have all but disappeared since Covid. The once mighty and revered Charter of Rights and Freedoms has effectively been rendered useless. According to the Hon. Brian Peckford, Canada has fallen so much from a democracy that it has taken several Members of European Parliament (MEP) to point out that PM Justin Trudeau is violating fundament rights and freedoms and acting like a "dictator," not the majority of Canadians who blindly believe they are free.

Join us for this important interview with the Honourable Brian Peckford, the man who singlehandedly corralled premiers in 1981-1982 to stick to the principles of what the Charter came to be by helping defeat PM Pierre Trudeau's unilateral attempt to derail the supreme laws of our great country. As the Charter of Rights nears its 40th anniversary April 17, the Hon. Peckford ironically finds himself in another fight for freedom and democracy with another Trudeau...Mr. Peckford discusses this battle, the greatest of his lifetime, and other topics, like his federal lawsuit against travel mandates, was the pandemic ever "demonstrably justified" to override the Charter, Justin's "dictator" moniker, and much more...

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