Maximus and Mommy at Columbus Georgia School Board meeting

2 years ago

Maximus and Katherine Along with hundreds of other children are being denied an education here in Columbus Georgia. Because their parents have common sense, and refused to force mask them, they are being denied a public education all together. With mass being made mandatory and no virtual option allowed, my kids are left purposely out of the system discriminated against, segregated, With no end in sight. Obviously, we will take care of their educational needs in the meantime. However, these are resources we pay for and my children deserve. There have been 436 deaths in our county. 96% of those deaths were 73 years and older. 73 is the average life expectancy here in Columbus Georgia. We have had 15 deaths under the age 50. That was during the first year of the pandemic. Most died with Comorbidity to unknown. We have had zero deaths under the age 22. So they can push their 47 positive coronavirus kids in the last two weeks all they want. But facts remain, there is no hospitalizations and no deaths of children. The total children in the entire United States of America is under 500. Keep the elderly safe, keep the second safer. Let the rest of the kids go back to life as normal like over 75% of Georgia schools right now..

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