🔴 BAN 90 Extreme runway which is easy for the gripen F-35 to have to turn around.

2 years ago

BAN 90 Extreme runway which is easy for the gripen F-35 to have to turn around
How Sweden’s austere basing system influenced the Gripen.

Facing the Soviet threat during the Cold War, the Swedish air force devised an air basing strategy that dispersed fighters throughout its territory, making it difficult for Moscow to destroy all of its fleet on the ground in a surprise attack.

The Bas 90 system, which often nestled air strips amid forests and used highways as back-up runways, was partially dismantled after the end of the Cold War. However, in recent years the ideas behind the system are receiving renewed focus as Stockholm faces a resurgent Russia.

Dispersed basing also is getting interest from the US Air Force (USAF), as the service looks for ways to avoid its Pacific Air Forces fleet being destroyed on the tarmac by long-range precision cruise and ballistic missiles launched from China. The strategy, called Agile Combat Employment, is also being employed by the service and its #NATO allies in Europe in response to Russian hostility.

However, adapting the USAF’s premier combat aircraft, the highly complex Lockheed Martin F-35 and Lockheed F-22 stealth fighters, to dispersed operations is challenging. Both aircraft require extensive maintenance, repair and overhaul systems for sustained operations. That support system handles everything from stealth coating repair, software patches to engine overhaul. It’s not easy – nor was it originally designed – to pick up and relocate to a remote air base.

In contrast, the Swedes intended from the very beginning to have fighters operating from austere air bases. At the end of the Cold War this greatly influenced the development and production of the Saab JAS 39 #Gripen.

To understand the design of the Gripen, Saab argues that the nature of Bas 90 bases and the Swedish military need to be understood.

Bas 90 bases are designed to survive enemy attack by having flightlines and runways that are positioned far apart, often separated and hidden by woods. Aircraft also have the option to use several back-up runways, sometimes reinforced highways adjacent to the main airstrip.

“Attacking aircraft on the ground is made more difficult by dispersing individual flightline positions over large areas and with long distances between each position,” explains a 1986 documentary produced by the Swedish military. “The number of flightline positions in a base is enough to vary aircraft positioning over time.”

Because Bas 90 bases are spread out the Swedish military presumed that it would be “very cost-inefficient” for the Soviet Union to totally destroy the base from the air.

If an air strip is damaged by a bomb, the latest Gripen E can land in 600m (1,970ft) and take off in 500m, says Saab. The landing strip only needs to be 16m wide. That short take-off and landing ability also allows the fighter to fly from taxiways, small civil airfields or highways.

To land on short airstrips, but also to increase manoeuvrability, the Gripen was given a canard. The canard allows the fighter to increase its angle of attack and create more lift at slower speeds during landing.

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