3 years ago

Well, I bet you're asking, "Is the #universityofpittsburgh a baby killing hub for twisted research? How many babies are involved and who is funding this "important research"? So glad you asked, according to records obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the National Institute of Health (NIH) approved a $3.2 million #grant to the University of Pittsburgh so researchers could procure and bank #fetalorgans taken from intact, sometimes #fullterm fetuses expelled during elective (mostly coerced) #abortions.
Memos obtained by #JudicialWatch through suing the National Institute of Health (#NIH) on behalf of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) prove this research not only existed, but was tax payer funded.
When Pitt applied for the funds they promised to obtain “very high-quality tissue and biological specimens” from babies for its “#tissuehub and collection site.” CMP says this included harvesting organs from babies that were #bornalive.
#Black and other #minority babies were overrepresented in the freakish experiments. In this stream, Dr. B and Elle discuss the details of the 300 plus page grant. Yes, we have a copy. Join us!

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