Cindy Jacobs Shares on Ruling Spirits in Europe (Episode 010)

2 years ago

Cindy Jacobs is a mother of the modern-day intercessory prayer movement. As such, when Cindy speaks we should listen. She’s offered some prayer wisdom for intercessors on her latest Shields Up alert.

This is Jennifer LeClaire and this is Praying the News. On today’s broadcast, we’ll listen in to some of Cindy’s wisdom and I’ll also bounce off that to share some additional insights on the principalities and powers.

Thanks for listening to Praying the News. I want to get right into Cindy’s message. You can listen to the entire broadcast on her Facebook page, but one part of her warning resonated with something I saw in the spirit a few weeks ago.

Thanks for listening. You can find the show notes and prayer points at Please give us a five-star review wherever you listen to podcasts and share this with your friends.

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