COVID Secrets - Episode 8 - COVID Tyranny - Global Government Cracking Down on Dissent

2 years ago

Right now, you are witnessing tyranny on a level you’ve likely never seen before.

The global government and Big Pharma are exploiting their power for personal profit and there seems to be no end in sight…

Their agenda has been revealed and now it is time for people like you and I to fight back.

This episode begins with Leigh Dundas, a human rights attorney and abolitionist.

Have you ever questioned your doctor or any medical staff?

It can be a little overwhelming but Leigh is here to help you with that conversation.

She spoke with me about the staggering number of doctors who have abandoned their ethics just to carry out the government's tyrannical agenda…

Next up is Mary Holland, a prolific attorney who has spoken out against the unlawful mandates we’ve faced.

There’s a little thing called “informed consent” in the medical world that has seemingly been thrown out the window…

The short version is this – a patient should be informed of the possible side effects of any treatment before it is administered.

Do you think this happened with ANYONE who received the jab?

Holland says absolutely not.

After that we’ll hear from Senator Kim Thatcher.

Our conversation was very eye opening. You need to see need to see why Senator Thatcher says the entire response to the pandemic has been nothing more than a mode of oppression.

Her unique perspective as a Senator brings a lot to this special episode, she answers looming questions surrounding the mandates and how much damage they did to people’s personal and professional lives.

Then things get even more scary when we hear from Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik.

These two doctors shift focus from the current vaxx and take a broader look at how the government so easily coerced almost the entire medical world into suppressing early treatment protocols that were proven to work…

Just to make more money, it seems.

This is a truly disturbing idea to consider, but it seems to be unfortunately true.


COVID Secrets - Episode 8 - COVID Tyranny - Global Government Cracking Down on Dissent

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