保險公司老闆_Attorney Todd Callender 卡倫德律師表示,越來越多對新冠疫苗實驗針劑(C_19 vaccine)接種者的不利消息,例如最新“質譜分析”_接種者體內會自行生長出“氫氧化石墨烯”!!

2 years ago

More and more bad news for the vaccinated it seems 😣

‼️Attorney Todd Callender:

"It appears, based on our mass spectrometry, that they didn't actually include graphene oxide in the shots. What I've come to find instead is [that] they included all the base compounds in order for the bodies to produce their own graphene oxide... So all they have to do is put the base chemicals into the user, expose them to a certain level of magnetic radiation, so phone signals at a certain frequency, and those people will actually grow graphene hydroxide inside of them."



“根據我們的質譜分析,它們實際上並沒有在鏡頭中加入氧化石墨烯。我發現相反的是,它們包含了所有的基礎化合物,以便身體產生自己的 氧化石墨烯……所以他們所要做的就是將基礎化學物質放入用戶體內,讓他們暴露在一定水平的磁輻射下,然後以一定的頻率發出電話信號,這些人實際上會在他們體內生長出氫氧化石墨烯。

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