I Am Convinced Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism Is A CULT

3 years ago

I Am Convinced Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism Is A CULT

I am fed up. This may be my last video. In this video, I explain why I feel Orthodox Rabbinic Judaism Is a Cult. It's mainly due to Rabbi Worship and everyone's Worship of the Talmud instead of the Torah. No one can think critically and question either one of them.

I also explain how I came to my Revelations about the Torah and Israel. We seemed to have lost sight of very simple Truths spelled out by Moses in the Blessings and Curses. Obey Torah in the Land, we will be Blessed, Don't and we won't. Everything happening both domestically in Israel and Internationally, can be explained by this.

I also address some current events and what I want to focus on now.

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#Judaism #Idolatry #Torah #Talmud #Israel #Cults #BlessingsAndCurses #Moshiach #Messiah #Exile #Redemption

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