Exploring The Triangle Choke at the Mid Point

3 years ago

The triangle choke is one of the staples of Jiu Jitsu, but there are many points in the transition to the finish where the attack can be countered.

In the video, you will discover two of the most common counters and a few options for how to deal with them both. And if you incorporate them into your game, you will finish the choke at a higher rate.

Check it out and finish more triangles.

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W E B S I T E S:
🌐 Kenneth Brown BJJ: https://www.kennethbrownbjj.com
🌐 2nd Gear BJJ: https://www.2ndgearbjj.com
🌐 BJJ Canvas: https://www.bjjcanvas.com

C O N T A C T: 📧 kenneth@kennethbrownbjj.com

#BJJ #submissions #trianglechoke

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