S'mo Talk EP 1: Indie Comic Speedrun Reviews

3 years ago

In our newest podcast called S'mo Talk Greg does indie comic speedrun reviews. He reviews Temple High by Sovereign Comics, Crescent City Monsters issues 1-4 by Dreamfury Comics, Crossbones issues 1-4 & Aether issues 1&2 by Covenant Comics, and Tilt issues 1-3 by Catalyst Comics Studio.

#comicreviews #speedruns #indiecomics

Grab Temple High and more here: https://www.sovereigncomics.com/

Pick up Crescent City Monsters by clicking here: https://dream-fury-comics.myshopify.com/

Check out all that Covenant Comics has going on here: https://www.covenantcomics.com/

Read outside the box by clicking here: https://catalystcomicsstudio.com/

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