Purim | The TRUE Purim | Practice Coming Before The King | Purim Corridor | MOVING!

9 years ago

#purim #teshuvahministries

Rebekah encourages all believers in the Messiah and Melchizedek priests of Yahshua to celebrate the true Purim! Join her and her husband for a peek into their ministry's celebration in 2016. You'll get a glimpse into the intense preparations, hear a little bit of Rebekah's talk that evening and see clips of the Purimschpiel. The best part of the evening was the beautiful and life-changing Purim Corridor they built for their Purim guests to experience during the celebration. Come with Isaac and Rebekah into the Corridor and consider and practice what the biggest moment of your life might be like -- when you stand all alone before the King of Kings. Ask yourself, "am I ready to meet the King?"

Rebekah was inspired by Jim Staley's 2014 teaching to build the Great Corridor to add to their ministries traditions. The focus of this years Purim was "Preparing to come before the King." There is the Purim parallel that says we must inquire of the Ruach (represented by Hegai) as to what the King likes and wear that. The Scriptures say that we must have the white garment of righteousness ("right doings" or keeping the Royal Law) to get into the Great Wedding Feast. We must not sin and break his Royal Law––but be perfect as he is. Grace is not given so that we can continue to keep breaking the Royal Law. Grace is like the septer held out to Queen Esther. Grace means that there has been a way made for us to live. With the Ruach living in us that is completely possible (keeping the Royal Law). Staley says, "The law gets you to the dance. The Ruach keeps you there!" This is the beauty of the New Covenant. It helps us keep the Royal Law. But YHVH also wants to show his splendor off through this Bride to be to the Nations––and so to know what those things are you must look at Yahshua and do as he did. Look at the Fruit of the Spirit and get those things in you. These things make you sparkle and shine! :-)

It is important to remember the point of the Law. Jim says, it is "one night with the King, not one night with the law …. the final destination is getting into YHVH's presence. The law is the way into his presence…."

BLESSING: May YHVH ELOHIM give you eyes to see and ears to hear so that you can make it all the way to the Great Wedding Feast of the Lamb and be a blessing to others as you travel there in obedience! May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless you with health and prosperity as His will desires.

PRAYER: PROTECTION FOR THIS MINISTRY PROVIDED BY YHVH ELOHIM. May YHVH Elohim protect Rebekah and Ali, their families, their domains and this online real estate (this channel and it's videos) from ALL evil that comes to harm or destroy. May the plans of any demons or wicked people be foiled and their plans become their destiny. May those who drink from the Teshuvah Ministry spring be blessed and find the narrow path of the Melchizedek priesthood that leads to the ONE (Yahshua ha'Mashiach) who can and wants to save.

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