2 years ago

Walderice, mulher, negra e pobre, prestava serviços ao Deputado Jair Bolsonaro levantando e levando problemas, reclamações e informações da região, a qual Bolsonaro sempre teve uma boa aproximação. Cansada da perseguição e mal estar causado pela grande mídia, que após o anúncio de pre-candidatura à presidência de Bolsonaro, a atacou por, além de suas obrigações com o Deputado, ajudar, por vezes, a irmã em uma lojinha de açaí e complementar a renda familiar honestamente, acabou pedindo desligamento de suas atividades.

Walderice, a woman, black and poor, provided services to Deputy Jair Bolsonaro raising and taking problems, complaints and information from the region, which Bolsonaro has always had a good approach to. Tired of the persecution and discomfort caused by the mainstream media, which after the announcement of Bolsonaro's pre-candidacy for the presidency, attacked her for, in addition to her obligations with the Deputy, sometimes helping her sister in a small açaí shop and complementing family income honestly, ended up asking to quit his activities.
Although honesty is everyone's obligation, I am comforted by the public and reputable recognition of Minister Barbosa, who was already an admirer for his posture and conduct and who, now, grows even more in my opinion.

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