06.08.2021 - "House of Commons" are disregarding the inhaling of Contaminants from Masks

2 years ago

I just had to ask :)
See what you make of our MP's reply?

Obviously the Government don't consider inhaling Contaminants to be an issue and they're certainly not interested in the "Mobile" Contaminants in the FREE NHS Face Nappies.

Pretty obvious why tbh:
I've tried looking for Studies which have Analysed and Identified these wriggly "Mobile" Contaminants, but all I get is page after page of Reports which claim that they are "Synthetic" / "Clothing Fibres" etc., but no one seems to prove it one way or another? My clothing doesn't respond like these things do ...
A few explanations on how these Masks are manufactured, too. Basically, it gave me everything except what I asked for and after about 3 pages of internet crap, I figured it best to just see if you guys have any idea?

Eitherway, call me Mr. Picky, but I prefer NOT to have these things wriggling around inside my Lungs and Airways, as I breathe, but each to their own.

I can fully understand why people choose not to follow this line of research because it seems so Insane to consider that this is going on in the background, but it is and we cannot just sweep this to one side, as if it doesn't exist.
I can't and I'm no expert, but I'm Learning from observation.

Here's a link to last my uploaded Mask Analysis (Just 1 "Mobile" example):
I lost count of the number of Contaminants in the fabric layers of this latest Muzzle, both Active and Inactive.

Dr. Vernon Coleman's FREE ebook "Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good":

PLEASE STOP dropping theses damned things in the Streets and Gardens. THEY ARE DANGEROUS, so dispose of them properly, if you feel you have to wear one?

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"CAUTION" NOTE TO ALL: To save on facing hostilities, "DO NOT" blurt out to people that COVID-19 is not real. Test the water first. I have come across far too many people now, who are saying they know people who have it or who have died from it. They do NOT want to hear it from the likes of us because they have either been told that COVID-19 is/was the Cause, by an NHS Doctor, or they've seen it on a Death Certificate, eitherway, they honestly believe that NHS Doctor's would NEVER in a Million years, Lie to anyone or falsify a Death Certificate?
Us telling them that Covid IS a Fraud, just serves to convince them all the more, that Covid is Very Real indeed and that "We" are the Problem that Mainstream and Government make us out to be.
We can't even attempt to show them Testimonies or Government Statistics, because they do not want to know and they WILL defend their New Cult Religion to the death, it seems.
I do not Trust these people in the slightest.

Still on Facebook? Please join our Group "Worldwide Awakening", or at least Share material you see on there? It's there Purely, to get the Truth out there asap, while they allow the group to exist?

Special thanks also, to:
1) "Dr Vernon Coleman" at " www.vernoncoleman.org " and "www.vernoncoleman.com" and on Brand New Tube " https://brandnewtube.com/@DrVernonColeman ".
2) "UK Column" at " https://www.ukcolumn.org/ " and on BitChute as "UK Column News". "SAFE OPTION FOR WHISTLEBLOWERS". Now on "BNT" also :)
3) Max Igan ("thecrowhouse"), at " http://thecrowhouse.com/home.html ", on BitChute and Odysee.
"Wonderful People", and there are a good few others who may occasionally get a mention in some of my videos. Thank you, all.

My links:
1) "Roo63" on BitChute ... " https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Roo63 " .
2) "Roo63" / "Andrew Pilkington" on Brand New Tube ... " https://brandnewtube.com/@Roo63 ".
3) "Worldwide Awakening (Roo63)" on Odysee (formerly "LBRY") ... " https://odysee.com/@Roo63:d " .
4) “AndiRoo63” on Twitter ... " https://twitter.com/AndiRoo63 " .
5) "Worldwide Awakening" on Facebook ("Public" Group) ... " https://www.facebook.com/groups/629528840562364/ " .
6) "Andrew Pilkington" on Facebook ... " https://www.facebook.com/andrew.pilkington.54 ".
I gave up trying to keep "Roo63" as a name, it just wasn't available or allowed?
If they show my name, who cares :)
7) "Roo63" on YouTube (TEMPORARILY?) ... " https://www.youtube.com/c/Roo63/videos ". I haven't a clue why they re-activated our accounts, but I don't like it.

Videos are Free to Share / Mirror etc., if you wish, providing there's no malice.
It is not about the Shares, Views, Likes, Money etc., because I do all this off my own back.
It's pure and simply about getting the word out and Waking people up.

Silence "IS" Consent and Knowledge "IS" Power.
Stay Strong. Do NOT give Consent and Refuse to Comply.
Peaceful Civil Disobdience :)

All the best and thanks for viewing :D

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