For those who know, it's now history. Watch this 2017 video showing how...

2 years ago

Trump traveled the globe and presented evidence to all the world leaders of their participation and exploiting of human (child primarily) trafficking. With mountains of evidence, every country submitted to be part of Trump's war against the Cabal's Satanic torturing and killing of children in vast Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS). The alternative for them was exposure to the public of their crimes against humanity.

The Plan in place is coming to a conclusion shortly.

If you doubt it, you are still a victim of the MSM, the biggest remaining criminal threat to mankind with it's constant brainwashing, lying and fake news that those still asleep lap up with blind enthusiasm.

GESARA and NESARA are now being implemented world-wide.

Should you want more details because none of this makes sense to you, send me an email at

I'll send you information and point you where to go to find more of the truth. It is out there.

As I've learned to embrace my family and friends labeling me a "conspiracy theorist" as a badge of honor, I simply know the truth and the truth is about to be seen by the entire world.

Then, every conspiracy theorist will be correctly labeled a "researcher" who simply took the time to dig and find out what is really happening in the world.

And when that happens, the researcher will simply say "welcome to my rabbit hole and to the light" because we're all in this together and we have to come from love, not derision - which is what the Cabal wants. Nope, no more conflict and fighting each other, regardless of race, religion, or for any reason at all. What is needed is for every human being to love all other humans to move out of the darkness and into the light.

Source of this video: Whiplash 347 telegram account:

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