Essential Oils From The Scriptures

2 years ago

It's that time of the year! God gave us the trees and plants for food and medicine! Did you know that essential oils are mentioned in the Bible many times over? Stacy will be highlighting a very special kit - Oils of Ancient Scripture and how you can incorporate them into your life!

Here is the class -

You can email Stacy at for any assistance.

Order Link - Oils of Ancient Scripture -
Item #19341
Retail $214.00 (214PV)
Cassia essential oil, 5 ml

Cedarwood essential oil, 5 ml
Cistus (Rose of Sharon) essential oil, 5 ml
Cypress essential oil, 5 ml
Frankincense essential oil, 5 ml
Hyssop essential oil, 5 ml
Myrrh essential oil, 5 ml
Myrtle essential oil, 5 ml
Onycha essential oil, 5 ml
Sacred Sandalwood (Aloes) essential oil, 5 ml

FREE - APRIL Gift with Purchase - 15ML Lemon, 15ML Purification, 15ML Tangerine, 5ML Peppermint

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