$500 Trillion Lawsuit against the FEDERAL GOVT and over 140 MONOPOLISTS

2 years ago

Friends of the Original Constitution's video exposing the FEDERAL GOVT as a fraudulent FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People's $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution. Now & Forever!


© 2021 - Friends of the Original Constitution® is the interim Constitutional Government. Scott Workman is the Nonlawyer Representative of We the People in our $500 Trillion Lawsuit; he is the Organizer of and the Delegate Judge and General Council Chairman (“Chair”) for the Constitutional Convention and Court (CC&C); which purpose is to prosecute the Defendants in our Lawsuit and to restore the Constitutional Government at the CC&C. All of this is authorized by We the People of the United States of America; by our signatures on the Declaration of Restoration.

*What will you receive as a donor to this cause of Liberty?
The following is an excerpt from our Complaint/Lawsuit:

$24 Trillion *Donors/Incentive: Donors throughout the world are incentivized to donate to and fund this movement and CC&C. Value to them upon the success and settlement of the Lawsuit, CC&C = 100 times the amount of their donation. (200 million people x $100k av/payout + 20% additional for using an affiliate link to donate through)
You may be wondering “how are we going to pay people 100 times the amount of their donation?” Answer: After we receive enough US Citizen’s signatures on the “Declaration of Restoration,” we will hold a Constitutional Convention & Court, and this is where We the People will eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank (a private bank) and all of its assets, along with the assets of all of the Defendants found guilty in our Lawsuit ($500 Trillion+) will be transferred to a Citizen owned Central Bank! Upon our successful completion and the ratification of all that we accomplish at the CC&C, our new Citizen owned Central Bank will pay the people the amount listed above.

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