The European Parliament has finally grew a set of balls to take on The world!

2 years ago

In this video, you will get the final feeling that something logical is now happening within the justification and the Justice Department's of this planet.

For two years, we have seen nothing but tomfoolery. No logic from anyone who administers anything that was coming from any level of government security or Medical.

This made me sit back and look at everything and wonder what is wrong with people? Am I the only person on this planet that sees what's happening? What do I do if I'm the only person on this planet? This is crazy. How can I be the only one and when I say this;

ladies and gentlemen, you are too.
We are one in 1000 or one in 10,000. So when this was playing out for me, I said my holographic universe has gone completely wacko, what is going on here?

So now, we know, that this video will be the first video where true justice starts to prevail on the rest of the planet.

It is coming from the European Union. And since Canada, United States, Australia and the rest of the world act like complete imbeciles when it came time to asking the right questions of contracts and what's going on with the vaccines. We know can reach this point where we don't think that everybody just lost their mind anymore. We are seeing the awakening, the true awakening of the people who are willing to stand up and not take the money to be bribed to sell out our future.

Enjoy the video.

It is the best

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