Fan Art : Tom Bilyeu / Smarties [motivational speech / screencast]

2 years ago

This was originally meant to be a 30 second shitpost video, reminiscing over the tubular Smarties packets that you could pop, and send the lid flying.
I originally intended to use a physics simulation for a short nostalgic video, to appeal to the algorithm. But that's not how this video turned out.

While editing, it took on a whole different purpose, and I thought of a better use for it: a motivational speech screencast: in the same vein as the Alan Watts and Terence McKenna fan-art I've uploaded previously.
The background visual has no bearing on the content of the audio, close your eyes, change tabs - turn your monitor off, it's up to you - but you'll certainly not regret listening...

I've used Tom Bilyeu speeches because in the interviews I've listened to him in, he's a strong advocate for always learning, and the story of how he started Quest Nutrition is motivational in itself.
I've purposely played the same segment of audio twice, so it _really_ sinks in - and added some music at a low volume for listening pleasure; so you can add it to your sleep or meditation playlist

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