The Holy Grail & The Prime Number Cross

2 years ago

YT 1,374 views • Apr 18, 2018 • The mysterious Knights Templar kept a secret in the legends of the Holy Grail that still has scholars today debating about what they were hiding. Was the Holy Grail a cup that contained the blood of Christ or was it the bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene? What does the rare RH negative blood type have to do with the Israelite bloodline? Never has any book attempted to explain the secrets hidden within the Knights Templar cross emblem which was emblazoned on their robes. This book explains the mystery about the Knights Templar cross and how this simple symbol was encoded within the Holy Bible and the very structure of our universe. Peter Plichta re-discovered that writing the numbers in a circle pattern shows that the prime numbers actually form a cross that looks like the Knights Templar cross. The prime number cross encodes eight mysterious triangles which show a triad pattern of three tones. Could the prime number cross encode the tones that should be used for the new song prophesized in the book of Revelation? Read this book and find out why this symbol is so important to the Knights Templar and the legend of the Holy Grail.

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