Countries Signed Away Our Rights to the UN

2 years ago

The World Health Organization Is Attempting a Power Grab

1) Most people have never heard of the International Health Regulations (IHR). The United States agree to the IHR in 2005. These regulations override and supersede the US Constitution.

2) On January 12, 2022, the United States submitted a number of amendments to the IHR that will give away even more of our sovereignty and greatly empower the World Health Organization (WHO) to restrict YOUR health related rights and freedoms.

3) The 75th meeting of the World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva, Switzerland this May 22-28, 2022. The Assembly will vote on the amendments to the IHR. They are very likely to pass ad be enacted into International law unless “We the People” stand up against this attack on our sovereignty.

4) These amendments to the International Health Regulations do NOT need to be approved by two-thirds of the US Senate. We have already agreed to obey the IHR by virtue of our membership in the United Nations and The Who. We have already given away some of our sovereignty. These amendments will give away even more.

5) In addition to the proposed amendments to the IHR, The Who has also set up an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that is actively negotiating an international “Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.” The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is separate from, and in addition to, the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations mentioned above.

6) The “Pandemic Treaty” does not yet exist. It is being drafted and negotiated right now.

7) The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body is currently accepting comments from the general public to determine the topics that may be included in the “Pandemic Treaty”

8) The time to speak out and stand up for your rights is NOW.


To Preserve Our Health Related Human Rights
All people eventually die. Health is not guaranteed. The law can and must guarantee and protect health related freedoms.

Article 1
Governments do not get to suspend human rights because of “emergencies.”
Regardless of the scope and/or severity of any disease outbreak or pandemic, human rights remain inalienable and may not be abridged.

Article 2
The good of a nation is the sum total of the benefits enjoyed by all its people.
The rights of nations, states, provinces, groups and organizations are subservient to inalienable human rights.

Article 3
Bureaucrats do not have the right to deny potentially life-saving medications to anyone.
The right to try is an inalienable right. Each and every human being, alone, or in consultation with the healthcare practitioner of their choice, has the inalienable right to choose the form of treatment that they wish to utilize in order to maintain or restore their health.

Article 4
The right to refuse treatment is an inalienable right.
Bodily autonomy is sacrosanct and must ALWAYS be respected. No person, no organization and no governmental body has the right to demand that another person consume, inject or apply any treatment to their body.

Article 5
Discrimination based on medical status is wrong.
No person, no organization and no governmental body has the right to place any form of restrictions that require healthy people to subject themselves to any form of treatment or test in order to enjoy their inalienable right to travel, work, seek education, or gain access to public spaces or businesses.

Article 6
Lockdowns and/or quarantines of healthy people are wrong.
All people who are ill with diseases that are transmissible have a moral obligation to separate themselves fro other people, but other people must be allowed to visit with the ill person so long as proper personal protective equipment is utilized.

Article 7
We demand complete transparency.
All depersonalized data from all clinical studies should be immediately available to everyone in the world to review in real time.

Article 8
Everyone has the right to their own opinion.
Every person’s experience is a valuable scientific observation. All human beings have the inalienable right to publicly express their opinion regarding the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of any treatment.

Article 9
Guilt cannot be legislated or contracted away.
All manufacturers, distributors, sellers and administrators of health care products and/or procedures must be held liable for any and all damages caused by their products and services.

Article 10
Government officials may start emergencies, but the people must be able to end them.
Speed can be an important factor in reacting to an emergency, but democratic principles demand that “We the People” have the right to determine when we believe the danger has passed.


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