German broadcaster removes hundreds of comments reporting vaxx injuries (German, no subtitles)

2 years ago

German broadcaster MDR recently made a good report on COVID vaxx injuries. They showed how some people suffered severe injuries and how they are gaslighted. They don't receive medical or financial help from the same government that almost force injected them in direct breach of the Nuremberg Code. See the report with English subtitles here:

Why vaxx injured feel abandoned - Vaxx injuries FINALLY reported in German mainstream media (subs)

Viewers could comment below the video on the broadcaster's site. More than 200 did so, thanking MDR for finally discussing this taboo subject which is in desperate need of discussion. Most of them also shared personal experiences of severe vaxx injuries.

What happened afterwards? Not entirely unexpected, the broadcaster removed all comments. Censorship of all undesired information is still alive. Luckily, someone made a video screen recording while scrolling through all the comments. This recording is shown in this video from the 1 minute mark onward.

This video is another example of how censorship hurts and kills. People who might have been turned off by the jab due to this information, won't be warned. Some of them will be severely injured or die because of a medically useless injection.


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