

    SPECIAL: Sep.19,'24 - Secret Service Fails Miserably to halt access to President Trump by two assassins, Local Police receive fake detect car bomb at Nassau Cty, NY Trump Rally!!
    REMASTERED! From- Sep.17,'24: Harris & Biden Deliberately Sabotaged the Military, while wearing a False Face. The consequence is America looking weak and unable to defend itself
    LIVE! Sun.Sep.22,'24 8p ET: How Colossus Saved the Jews and Humanity. It cracked the Nazi's best encryption codes in under 10 minutes and made Turing's LaBombe look like a toy. From Colossus came today's computers!
    ON DEMAND! From Sep.19,'24: Nicholas Maduro's Venezuelan Nightmare - the Failure of Marxist Socialism. Venezuela is realing from economic decline, he attacked Musk for criticizing it's publicly abusive language, and its goal to intervene
    ON DEMAND! From- Sep.17,'24: Harris & Biden Deliberately Sabotaged the Military, while wearing a False Face. The consequence is America looking weak and unable to defend itself.
    ON DEMAND! Sep.15,'24: Addictions & Toxins are killing us all and reducing quality and longevity of life. We've been Betrayed by the Establishment Elites and Corp. predators!
    ON DEMAND! À parody candid interview wIth the Democrat candidate.
    ON DEMAND! From- Sep.12,'24: Liberty vs Sharia- the death trap! See how Islamic Genocide has shredded Europe, South Asia and the Middle East & how Islam merged with the Nazi SS under Hitler who fled to Patagonia, fooling everyone, not dead.
    ON DEMAND! From- Sep.10,'24: The Kennedys - Tragedies and Abuse. Learn about the origins of abuse of the Kennedys by the media and their own party. How it was amplified into "The Kennedy Curse"!
    ON DEMAND! From- Sep.8,'24: Operation Searchlight- Pakistan's Massacre of Hindus, led by Pakistani President Gen. YahYah Khan incl. Rapes of 350-500,000 Hindu Women!
    ON DEMAND! From- Sep.5,'24: The peculiar world of Xi Jinping. He is both Celebrity and Mild Mannered Dictator: yet he speaks out of both sides of his mouth, lying in denial of China's world conquering motives!
    ON DEMAND! From- Sep.3,'24: The Bizarre World of Vlad Putin. A world of great wealth, barbaric mass killings of Ukrainian and Russian Citizens and 43 Assassinations attempts. He even has his own mascot, Martial Artist Steven Seagal!
    ON DEMAND! From- Sep.1,'24: How Billionaires get so wealthy and pay so little tax. Fraud, Money Laundry & Ponzi!
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.29,'24: IRS Secret Files. How the Super rich avoid taxation, legally, illegally and covertly. How the rich get richer by helping them do it. The secrets of the ages!
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.27,'24: Kamala Harris is a Nasty Dishonest Fraud. No votes, no debates, no interviews, no experience, empty headed puppet.
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.25,'24 Christian-Armenian Genocide. The Hidden Holocaust. In 1915 the Muslim Turks invaded Christian Armenia and Executed 1.5 Million Christian Armenians, but then denied they'd done it, in spite of indisputable evidence!
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.22,'24: COVID Vaccine$: Frauds, unsafe, don't work. Kansas sues Pfizer over COVID-19 vaccine. Too many deaths and injuries- unsafe at any speed!
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.20,'24: The US Dept. of Defense Outlines Severe Military Threats Posed by China's invading our hemisphere. With special report by Peter Schweizer.
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.18,'24: House halts VA benefits being used for Illegal immigrants, while Veterans are forced to wait for treatment. Outrageous behavior by the VA!
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.15,'24: The Dark, Demonic Side of Kamala Harris. Find out why Kamala is the worst possible human being to ever hold public office in the USA! She hates Jews and Blacks!
    HEVC Codec Test. Yes, HEVC works! If you notice any playback glitches in this high compression Video, please email us.
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug.13,'24: China's Military and Regional Expansion seeks to displace America as the world's most powerful nation!.
    ON DEMAND! From- Aug11,'24: Dr. Peter McCullough and Vaccine Injuries with Dr. John Campbell! Remarkable observations about injury and death caused by the Pfizer (et. al) vaccines, by one of the world's greatest cardiologists!
    UPDATED BREAKING NEWS: Trump Assassination - Hidden Facts that the FBI, USSS and DHS know about Biden/Soros involvement, they won't tell you! We break it all open!
    ON DEMAND! Aired- Aug.8,'24: Russia-Ukraine War is about Biden's & Soros's War Profits. We expose how weapons, fuel, and military resources become wartime profits, at the expense of the US Taxpayer!