Watch What Happens When This Cute Little Bulldog Tries To Wake Up Sleepy Mommy

7 years ago

An English Bulldog puppy preciously attempts to initiate playtime with Tilly her mom, but it looks like it's nap time for her. Most moms will definitely be able to relate to this!

A heartwarming video has emerged of an energetic pooch trying to start a mock fight with sleeping mother, which is doomed even before it started. Apparently, this pup’s ignorant mother had a rough night and is chopping logs, much to our amusement, completely ignoring her annoying offspring! Adorable!

As the little pup continuously throws itself at its mother’s face, it slowly starts to lose interest and eventually gives up on the idea to engage in play mode with mum! This little fellow sure reminds us of the time when the Stewie character from animated TV series Family Guy keeps on calling after his mom, using the annoying repetitive voice, over and over again. Cute resemblance, right!?

Fortunately, this pup’s mother is sound asleep and doesn’t give a damn about its nagging, the pup is absolutely barking at the wrong tree. Eventually, it gives up on its intention and starts playing with another dog. This energetic pooch sure has a lot of energy that shouldn’t go to waste, so it turns to its other family member and starts to initiate play!

Have you ever been in a position with a member of your family when one of you was so eager to play and the other was lazy and sleepy that it wouldn’t give a damn about your eagerness? We bet many of our viewers will find similarity in this situation!

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