Assistant Vet Comforts Rescued Pit Bull After Surgery

9 years ago

Now, this is one of those moments that will entirely melt your heart! Watch as surgical assistant Dennis Moses caringly cradles a rescued Pit Bull after the adorable puppy was spayed at the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter. What a precious moment!

The confused puppy wasn't quite sure what had happened to him, but the reassuring touch from the assistant vet helped him calm down after the surgery. Now he is going to be able to enjoy life without any cares.

Spaying and neutering pets is a significant responsibility of every pet owner that doesn't want to breed their pet. It costs far less than caring for a whole litter, but also it diminishes the chances that the offspring would be tossed on the streets. Let's be real; there are way too many people that still do terrifying things like that.

By doing this, you directly help in the control of pet homelessness crisis which leaves millions healthy dogs and cats in the hands of high-kill shelters, just waiting to be euthanized because there aren't enough homes to go around. Not to mention there are also medical and behavioral benefits that this procedure enables.

Even though this can be stressful for your dog, believe us it is one of the best decisions you can make for your dog! On this subject, the owners somehow have the most prejudices and received the wrong answers. It is, therefore, best to make a small reminder first.

Animals differ from the human being in many ways, but one of their characteristics is the most important, and that is the instinct. They are guided by this instinct, i.e., the instinct for survival: food, water territory and, ultimately, the ability for reproduction or extension of its animal species.

Many think that once these interventions are made, they will change the character of the animal and will become obese. None of this is true. It has been proven that if you keep the same feeding mode and the same physical activity will not come to fattening, but if you have a breed of a dog that without it is prone to obesity, the caloric intake should be reduced. As far as the character is concerned, your pet will not change, the pet will remain whatsoever, without having to run for females and enter into conflict with other dogs at all costs. You should take care of your pet, inform about what they need so that they will live a happy and healthy life!

Credit to 'Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter.'

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